It will not focus your current target, and seduce that it will re-seduce it Classic TBC. Macros Pre-Patch Builds PvP Macros for Warlock DPS in Burning Crusade Super Mana Potion Macro #showtooltip /use Super Mana Potion /cast Shadow Bolt /cqs Closes the gap between casting Shadow Bolt and using your Consume.TBC Warlock DPS Best Macro Guide - Burning Crusade Classic Travel Details: Conflagrate is a good deal of extra instant damage and therefore provides a great burst.Enjoy :-) For completion you will need the 3 If your focus dies, it will reset the focus and cast fear on the next mob that the macro is used with. ' Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. First of all, there is a question, what is a macro? A macro is a list of slash commands. run for i = 1,120 do PickupAction(i) ClearCursor() end Upper Trinket Macro. cast Sacrifice Fire shield Seduction Devour Magic These macros allow you to bind a spell from each pet to the same bind. 2 hours ago 8 hours ago Just Now Classic Wow Tbc Warlock Hit Cap. The Warlock, like the Hunter, is a very efficient leveling class that is great fun to play solo. GSE is an alternative advanced macro editor and engine for World of WoW TBC is the second expansion of World of Warcraft after WoW Classic.